Furoshiki folding

It is the shape of the gift that will dictate the choice of wrapping technique.

Simple furoshiki, in 5 steps

It only takes a few simple steps to learn to master the basic techniques of furoshiki, appreciate the creative, DIY aspect, and have fun doing it.

For a first furoshiki folding, the simplest thing is to wrap a box, a book, a bottle, a balloon.

Below is the explanatory diagram of a furoshiki folding for boxes, books, rectangular shapes. In 5 steps to get started:

This easy and quick fold is ideal for beginners, because it will immediately make you feel like a real pro ;) A single knot is enough, the folds are clean and neat and the flap can be taken or slipped under the knot.

If all the other techniques elude you, this versatile one will always be there to save you. It is also perfect during the holiday season, when you have a lot of gifts to wrap and when you are in a hurry.

You can add a matching gift tag that will serve as a card and finish off a flawless look.

To learn more about furoshiki folding, check out all our folding tutorials on our YouTube channel .