Collection: Furoshiki, reusable fabric gift wrap

All Paké furoshiki are woven, printed and made in France , from 100% recycled fibers .

Available in 3 sizes to adapt your furoshiki to the size of the gifts you wish to wrap : 50x50 cm, 75X75 cm or 100x100 cm.

Choisir la bonne taille de furoshiki

J'ai des cadeaux à emballer mais quelles tailles de furoshiki choisir ?

Guide des tailles de furoshiki

Nos tutoriels de pliage

Pour faire les plus beaux emballages cadeaux en tissu, faciles ou plus élaborés. Lancez-vous !

Tutos de pliage de furoshiki

Gift wrapping made from recycled fabric, cotton and polyester.

Furoshiki revolutionizes the way we give gifts duringend of year celebrations, mother's and father's days, birthdays. This Japanese folding technique transforms simple squares of fabric into elegant, personalized packaging.

Adopt this ecological method to wrap your gifts of all shapes: books, bottles, clothes, bags, jewelry, toys, or any other everyday objects.

Easy to learn, this ancestral practice allows you to create unique packages in a fe...

Gift wrapping made from recycled fabric, cotton and polyester.

Furoshiki revolutionizes the way we give gifts duringend of year celebrations, mother's and father's days, birthdays. This Japanese folding technique transforms simple squares of fabric into elegant, personalized packaging.

Adopt this ecological method to wrap your gifts of all shapes: books, bottles, clothes, bags, jewelry, toys, or any other everyday objects.

Easy to learn, this ancestral practice allows you to create unique packages in a few gestures. Paké furoshikis are woven specifically for a beautiful hold of the material, the knot and a slightly shiny finish.

Choose traditional or modern patterns according to your tastes and those of the recipient. At Paké, the patterns are graphic, plant-based, animal-based...

In addition to being aesthetic, the furoshiki embodies an eco-responsible gesture, considerably reducing waste linked to disposable packaging.

Reusable gift wrapping

Furoshiki is distinguished by itsremarkable versatility. A single square of fabric can be used to wrap gifts of various shapes throughout the year. This approach significantly reduces the amount of waste generated during the holidays.

By adopting furoshiki, you save a lot of money in the long run. No more repetitive purchases of wrapping paper, ribbons and other disposable accessories. An initial investment in a few squares of quality fabric is enough to cover all your wrapping needs.

Furoshiki also offers a unique creative opportunity. Each fold becomes a personal expression, allowing a special message to be conveyed to the gift recipient. This practice adds an emotional dimension to the act of giving, strengthening the bonds between people.

To pass on or reuse, but never throw it away. That's thePake movement!

Japanese fabric wrapping since the 8th century

The furoshiki has its roots in the Nara era (710-794), where it was called"tsutsumi"At that time, this square of fabric was used to protect imperial treasures and sacred objects in Buddhist temples.

Over the centuries, its use spread to the nobility and then to the people. During the Heian era (794-1185), it became "koromotsusumi" to wrap clothes during travel.

The term "furoshiki" appeared in the Edo period (1603-1868), when public baths became popular. The Japanese used it to wrap their personal belongings and use it as a bath mat.

Today, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment is promoting furoshiki as a sustainable alternative to disposable packaging, reviving this age-old tradition.

Questions fréquentes sur les furoshiki

Mon emballage cadeau Paké est-il lavable ?

Oui ! Vous pouvez le passer en machine à 30°, le faire sécher à l'air libre et le repasser sur le côté blanc (sans motif).

Quelle taille de tissu pour un furoshiki ?

Chez Paké, nous proposons 3 formats de furoshiki pour couvrir les besoins d'emballage d'un maximum de cadeaux :

  • 50 x 50 cm
  • 75 x 75 cm
  • 100 x 100 cm

Nous avons essayé d'illustrer, pour chacun d'entre eux, les cadeaux les plus courants qui peuvent être emballés : voir notre guide des tailles de furoshiki. Cependant, à chaque objet ses dimensions spécifiques ! Si vous avez peur de vous tromper, n'hésitez pas à nous écrire. Nous serons ravis de vous aiguiller !

Qui garde le furoshiki ?

Vous faites ce que vous voulez, bien sûr ! En fonction de vos envies et de votre budget. Le plus important étant d'éviter de produire un déchet inutile.

Si la personne que vous gâtez ne connaît pas le concept, cela peut être sympa de lui laisser, comme un second cadeau, afin d'initier le mouvement. Si celle-ci est familière avec les gestes éco-responsables, elle ne sera pas du tout surprise du fait que vous repreniez votre Paké. La plupart des adeptes du furoshiki le font.