The Eco-responsible Blog

Des fleurs de saison et françaises pour cadeau de Saint Valentin

Des fleurs de saison et françaises pour cadeau ...

À l'approche de la Saint-Valentin, offrir des fleurs reste une tradition intemporelle pour exprimer son amour. Cependant, il est essentiel de considérer l'impact environnemental de nos choix floraux. Opter pour...

5 cadeaux écoresponsables pour la Saint-Valentin

5 eco-friendly gifts for Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is coming! If you're looking for a gift for your partner, a friend, or even for yourself, here are 5 eco-friendly ideas to mark the occasion. Discover our...

Comment réaliser le gâteau d’anniversaire végétal parfait ?

How to make the perfect plant-based birthday cake?

For an eco-responsible and gourmet birthday, we share with you the magic recipe of Marie Sweet and Sour , a vegan pastry chef to follow absolutely! Marie concocted this incredible...

Les 4 secrets d’un Halloween écoresponsable

The 4 secrets of an eco-responsible Halloween

Halloween is one of the most fun times of the year! However, it is also a time when responsible consumption is rarely in the spotlight. Costumes, decorations, candy… there are...

6 cadeaux sympas et écoresponsables pour la Fête des Mères

6 cool and eco-friendly gifts for Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is coming up and it's the perfect opportunity to please your mom. If you're looking for gift ideas that are out of the ordinary, we've selected 6 original...

10 idées cadeaux écoresponsables et Made in France pour un noël zéro déchet

10 eco-friendly and Made in France gift ideas f...

Christmas is fast approaching, and with it, the pressure to find THE perfect gift. If you are a fan of sustainable development, zero waste and responsible consumption, it is sometimes...