Faire des marque-verres récup’ avec des bouchons en liège

Make recycled glass markers with corks

Do you often organize small parties and need glass markers to avoid doing too much washing up? Here is a simple and ecological tip: reuse your corks! Those corks that you pile up in a corner of the kitchen without really knowing what to do with them (and which remind you that next time, you will have to go easy on the Chardonnay… 😉).

Steps to create your cork glass markers

  1. Cut your cork into thick slices.
  2. Make notches in them so you can hang them on the glasses. Better yet, use a hole punch to make a hole and thread a wire through it.
  3. Personalize your washers ! Draw letters, patterns or symbols to identify the glasses at each party. 😊

These glass markers are reusable and add a touch of creativity to your events while being zero waste!

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